I'm Overseas!

Friday, September 29, 2006

and this is every secret lever to the trapdoor in your heart

Holy shit! Robert Downey Jr. is the new Tony Stark (Iron Man)! Anyone who doesn't feel it can whine about it on their myspaces. For my money, he's one of the greatest actors of our age.

Internship/Job application count: 12!
Peanut Butter and Jelly semmich count: 12!
Turkey Semmich count: 7!

You ever think yourself out of existence? Like, start thinking that you don't know English and you don't know where you are, or you have no idea what time is. Like, where am I right now, but what's now? It's hard to explain, but I used to do it all the time. For a while you go through this frightening phase where you have no idea what you are. It's terrifying. I used to do it all the time as a kid, but once when I was in Canada, it started happening without me even thinking about it, so now I'm afraid that I might make myself retarded. That's what it is. It's fucking around with your brain so you know, for a few seconds, what it's like to not know you're there. Can't really explain it...


Thursday, September 28, 2006

There's a sword hanging over your head, dull and falling fast.

I'm posting this here because my facebook account is linked up with my other blog. And there are definitely some people who I don't want reading this. Then why am I writing it in the first place? Because it's therapeutic. If you know any of the parties involved in this story, don't tell him or her about this post. Because that just draws attention to a blog that no one reads anyway.

------The Day I Stopped Eating Hard Boiled Eggs------

The year was 2004. It was mid to late October. The weather in Baltimore had been cooler than New Jersey, which struck me as odd, since we were actually closer to the equator. To me, the equator always equaled “hot”, but that may be in part because it’s indicated on a globe by a red line straight across. Yes, I was a young freshman, ready to be beaten into a depressive state from which I was never to recover (just kidding). Truth be told, though, we all know what it’s like. Even the people who are having fun are miserable. Oh, he dropped out? That’s strange, I saw him the other day, yelling obnoxiously at Megabites. Oh, she’s taking a year off because she’s been stressed and blue? But I just saw her drunkenly harass a security guard and then fall asleep with her mouth wrapped around some dude’s nipple. I’m not comparing cases, I’m just upset that I chose to both behave and feel miserably.
But this was earlier in the year. Everyone was being receptive. The building I lived in, called the AMR II’s, had an unspoken open door policy that encouraged interactions. We were making friends, talking until two, dancing pointlessly to Summer Jamz ’03. A lot of that dancing was just to dance away the pain. Our rooms were horrid. No air-conditioning, no kitchen, we had to pay for refrigerators, common bathroom, no carpet. It’s true; they really do tie rooms together. You could have the most inviting sheets, the most throw pillows money can buy, but if your floor doesn’t have a carpet, it feels like you’re sleeping either in a log cabin in the middle of the woods, a prison, or a department store (depending on the quality of flooring). This one definitely reeked of Sears, with a splash of Sing Sing (because of the concrete walls). Most importantly though, there was no security, which is absolutely mad. I live in Baltimore, where people prefer violent crime to crime. “Give me your wallet!” “Okay…” *he gives him the wallet. “Okay, you have my wallet, now let me go” *he stabs him.
I don’t remember the events leading up to the night, in particular. Maybe I had dinner with some friends at the dining hall. Maybe I walked over to St. Paul’s for the worst Chinese food ever. Did some reading, wrote in my XANGA, played some guitar. Any one of those, maybe all of them. Doesn’t matter. I fell asleep at around two, only to be woken up at 5 by a wave of screaming and knocking rapidly making it’s way from door to door, up the hall.
“Help! Let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in!”
“What the fuck?” My roommate, Teddy is rubbing his eyes, and sitting off the side of his bed. I’m already up, having been awake (I’m have sleep issues), but I don’t move towards the door…because I have morning wood. Teddy opens the door and a half naked girl runs in and slams the door behind her. The towel strap for a robe is tied around her neck, a loosened gag. Her feet and hands are bound, with her pants at her ankles, so I can only assume she’s been hop/running down the halls. My debilitation vanishes into thin air and I’m putting my pants on at the foot of my bed.
“Oh my god close the door. Close the door! Lock it! Is it locked?” She checks the door.
“It’s locked!” Teddy says, irritated. I don’t blame him. If there’s one thing we don’t like, it’s having our sleep interrupted.
“Shhhhhh. Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” The girl is crying and cursing through accelerated breathing. “There’s a man coming after me. He said he has a gun.” Whoaaaaa.
I’ve been silent the entire time. I try to take action and act tough. I have a tendency to act as confidently as I can when something makes me nervous or frightened. But there’s a flip side to that coin because, while I seem to be fearless and totally in control, my legs cramp up like they’re being shocked with a thousand volts. Volts of fear. I’m practically falling over when I say, “Should we call the police?”
“YES!” She yells. It was a fucking ridiculous question. I toss Teddy my J-Card and tell him to call the security extension. I tell her to hide underneath my lofted bed. She’s still breathing heavily and crying. I’m hanging by the peephole looking through the glass, while I grip onto my leg like I’m trying to stop bloodflow.
Teddy deals with the Hop Cops. He tells them that there’s a man with a gun walking around the halls looking for a girl in our room. She takes the phone from him and starts telling her side. It was one of those scenes where the person starts rambling incoherently through hyperventilation and the operator says, “Calm down, talk slowly.” Try two.
“I woke up and this guy had his hand on my mouth and he said he had a gun and that if I screamed he’d shoot me. He tied me up and took my money and then he said that he was going downstairs to deal with the others and to stay where I was or he’d chase me down. I don’t know if he knows I’m gone or not…. He’s a black guy. I think he was wearing a grey sweatshirt.”
This is all blubbered out in clips and phrases with ellipses. In the meantime, Teddy and I are looking at each other with “holy shits” in our eyes. Deal with the others? Why are you naked? Gun? My thighs were having mini-seizures.
Then we waited for the police. Teddy sat at the side of his bed, silent. I stayed by the door, watching for shadows. I think we tried to make small talk. I tried hard to censor my usual mugging and rape joke routine. She thanked us for letting her in a few minutes before the cops showed up.
“Uh, no problem.”
They took the girl away after talking to her for a short while. I skipped my classes that day. To be honest, I could have gone, but even without the whole fiasco I had only gotten a few, short hours of sleep. Later, we were told by the girl across from us, whose friend’s father works in the Baltimore police department, that she faked the entire thing to get out of an exam. To this day I’m still conflicted, despite some amateur sleuthing by me and my roommate. Why didn’t she pull up her pants before leaving her room? She was really crying pretty convincingly. After we heard it was faked, this was released, so who really knows the truth?
Also, the title of this story has nothing to do with the story itself.


Internship/Job application count: 12!
Peanut Butter and Jelly semmich count: 11!
Turkey Semmich count: 5!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another useless post

Internship/Job Application count: 12!
Peanut butter and Jelly Semmich count: 10!
Turkey Semmich count: 5!

I have that picture of the toast, but I'm too lazy to put it up right now. Hopefully I'll get to applying for that internship by the end of the day.

I have a hell of a post coming up on my other blog, just giving you guys the warning.

Went to the Queen Mary theatre company meeting today. I gave a presentation on Long Form and now I think I'm going to be teaching like, 14-15 people. Hopefully. You all know how much I love long form. 2 hours a day is barely enough for me. Yeah, in over my head, I know, but I've taught before and they're not paying me. I'm not trying to set a standard or raise a bar, I just want to make friends (as cheesy as that sounds).

I'll post more in the coming weeks, but I'm mad... stressed right now. And unnecessarily, because I don't really need to scramble for internships or study a lot. I guess it's all these feelings of uselessness backlogged (since this was only my first week of class).


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Quota update!!

Internship/Job Application count: 12!
Peanut butter and Jelly Semmich count: 10!
Turkey Semmich count: 4!

In other news, the toaster in the kitchen has "I love you" written on it. Normally this wouldn't be interesting, except it's also on the little grill/toast things inside. So when you toast a piece of bread it says "I love you" on it! CRAZYYYYYYY!


Monday, September 25, 2006

Progress Report

Motivation is hard to come by these days. Motivation to spend less money, motivation to find sweet jobs. Here's a progress report:

Number of summer internships applied to today: 10
Goal: 1 every day.

Number of peanut butter and jelly semmiches eaten today: 2 (so far)
Goal: 1 meal per day.

So my total number for internships is 11
while my total peanut butter and jelly semmiches count is:

My schedule is looking pretty tight for this semester, though I do, indeed, have class on fridays. It's okay though, because I'm really psyched for that course in particular.
Monday: no class.
Tuesday: French New Wave (12, 2-4) German film 2 (4-6)
Wednesday: no class.
Thursday: French New Wave (10 or 11), German film 2 (2-4)
Friday: Theatre Beyond Words (9-1, 2-5)

Also, I think I'm going to be starting an improv group and teaching some long form this year. I'm really excited for that. Hopefully they won't think I'm on some sort of power trip and depose me.

John Vanderslice! Oct 25th!

-------- UPDATE! -----------

Time to add a new player to the roster!

Hello Turkey Sandwich!

Turkey Sandwiches to date: 1!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

solve the heart and cure the flu

I spent my second day in London at various orientation events for the first part of the day. We had a long seminar planned where we were lectured about safety and things to not do. For example, if you're leaving a nightclub, don't get into an unmarked taxi cab, because chances are you'll get raped. They gave us a stat of like, 1/10 people getting violently raped (women of course!) after getting into a "cab" after a night at the rave.

Besides guido cabs, there isn't much violent crime in London. It's interesting how timid people in America are about hypotheticals. If we allow gays to marry, we'll turn into a cesspool of moral degradation. If we outlaw firearms, we'll all be killed by bandits from the mountains. If we let people get abortions, gamble, and fuck, we'll all rip each other apart like craaaazy people. Well, look at London. It a murder rate almost 3 times less than New York City. I think it's more than 20 times less than DC (they love to kill people there!) They went on to say that most of the crime is petty crime, but frankly I'd rather be alive. And it's clever crime too. Like, they still use the word "thieves" here. When's the last time you heard that word in a serious context? They have "distraction" crimes that are rampant, where some kids make you look at a sign and take your coat. They have big shoplifting problem. In other words, no real problem. Hell, I was watching their version of Montel and the theme was like, the troubled teen boot camp. The worst they could offer was cutting school and drinking. I remember watching kids on Montel who were fucking strangling their parents in their sleep and setting animals on fire. And we're worried about moral degeneration? I'm sick of scare tactics through hypotheticals. End rant.

I applied for this thing called an Oyster pass, which is their version of a monthly metrocard, sort of. It's just this card that you prepay and scan to get onto any travel system in London. I like how things are all incorporated here. It's like Apple products. Well, I handed my form in to the legendary Jennie Davies (read the previous entry) and asked if it was okay. And then she broke my heart. She said it was "brill" (which, if you've noticed, I've formally adopted). Short for brilliant. And that was the first time I wrote something in a notebook with the heading "Start saying this!"

Afterwards we went on a cruise down the Thames. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the London Eye.

The whole crew went back for "High tea", but I spotted an exhibit on robots at some museum on the other side of the Thames. And you know how much I love robots. So I called Scott (a friend from back in New Jersey) and I said, "Hey, why don't you take the tube down here and we'll chill man. And he was like, "Okay." So then we met. We talked about doing it and then we did it. That's commitment.

Museum was closed, which is a shame because it was also a Dali museum and I like pictures of things melting. Well, no, I'm a fan of Dali. I've actually been to another museum that contained just his works. I believe it was in Prague or somewhere in Germany. Speaking of Prague, I was thinking today how someone should start a prog rock band called Prague Rok. Well, consider it.

Here's Scott next to his new favorite restaurant

Everything else I'll just summarize quickly. We went to the Natural History Museum the next day, which was just a bunch of replicas that didn't really appeal to me. Like a motorized T-Rex (good luck trying to recreate the badassness of a real T-Rex). The next day I left for homestay in Southport, but that's for another time.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

2 posts in 1 day? Are you insane?

Okay, I'll make this recap really quick.
First day I arrived and had to stay awake for over 24 hours to adjust to the jetlag. They're 5 hours ahead of us, so when I got there it was 9:45 (4:45 am). I didn't sleep a wink on the plane and went through around 5 meals before I landed. I had breakfast, lunch, dinner, dinner on the plane, and a sandwich when I got into Heathrow. So keep track, 5 meals.
I located my group, which was being led by this absolutely adorable British woman named Jennie Davies. 10 times cuter because she spelled Jenny very quaintly. More on her later. We drove to the hotel. Perhaps you've heard of it? The THISTLE KENSINGTON HOTEL?! AS FEATURED ON THE FABULOUS LIFE OF ENGLISH PEOPLE?! I lie, but here's a picture anyway.

It was pretty awesome. I mean, it had a dining room. Moving on...

Another sign I knew I wasn't in America anymore.

And another one!

We had a conference at 4 (11 in America, awake for 25 hours), where I had another meal (6). From there I forced myself to walk around and stay awake. Blah blah blah, watched some TV, a special about a genius who can remember anything and learn a language in a week, fell asleep. Okay. That was day 1.

So I'm going to fast forward to today, because if I don't update on what happened today, I'm gonna forget it by the time I do get to blog about it.

Woke up and ate my last breakfast with my homestay family. They drove me to the station and kept on telling the other people that they wanted to adopt me. I was flattered and a bit scared. Kept thinking of Misery with Kathy Bates and James Caan. Well, they were a lovely family. A bit old and obsessed with the telly, but real, real pleasant to be around. They told me to write and keep in touch, which tears me up, because I know it probably won't happen. I'm like that. I don't even write my family while I'm at school.
We took another coach ride back, which took a little over 6 hours this time, including stops. It's alright, my iPod battery still lasts crazy long. I spent it listening to some staples (Broken Social Scene, Portastatic, Superchunk, John Vanderslice, Songs: Ohia), while going back to some oldies (Death Cab for Cutie, Born to Run), and capped that off by spinnin' some new ones that I bought the other day in Liverpool (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Springsteen- Nebraska, Kings of Convenience- Quiet is the New Loud). You didn't have to read all that. I just have a burning desire to list things.
Arrived and saw my room, which is totally badass. I'll post pictures tomorrow or something, but I'm too lazy right now. No one was around so I set up and went out to get some food. I ate some fried chicken and a chicken burger at a place called Dixie Chicken (probably unaware of the country trio pun). British people love that. By my hotel there was a Dallas Pizza and Nebraska Fried Chicken. Hilarious. Chinese restaurants on the other hand have really restauranty names like, After Dark, and Rainbow 2000.

So when I got back, there was a nice British girl here named Leigh (Lee?) with her twin brother, Ollie, making curry in the kitchen. I sat down and had a chat with them. Nothing deep, no talk about aliens. We talked about what we were doing tonight and she said that she'd knock on my door when she was leaving to go to a pub. Well, she forgot to, and now here's a picture of me:

Drinking Bacardi Breezers alone in my room.
It's not at all her fault. I tried to knock on someone's door, but I chickened out after they didn't answer for 30 seconds. Tomorrow though! TOMORROW!!


Day 1 in England.
I arrived at Newark airport 3 hours before my flight at around 6:40. They have these neat new security booths that apparently test for explosives. You step in and four nozzles shoot jets of air at you for several seconds and a computer talks to you. That's right, a computer. Wild.
So I find a group of people also going to London and I try, after around 20 minutes, to talk to them. Most of them were nice. One guy was a dick for no reason. But that's okay. It was the Butler flight instead of the Arcadia flight. And I'm used to it!
Flights on Virgin Atlantic are unbelievable, though there's a noticeably less space in coach than on other flights. Still, I recommend that you fly it before they completely go out of business. That's in response to hearing that Virgin megastore in New York was closing down, so who knows what other sorts of financial troubles they're in. I sat next to two nice people who were going to different schools than me. One was named Jordanna and she was related to Nathan Lane. Just kidding! The other was Chris and he played lacrosse.
Moving on, each seat had a tiny television screen right in front of it from which you could choose to play a movie, game, or television program. And I was worried about having to watch the second Garfield movie! Instead I could choose from a list of 30 films, maybe 4 of them being bad movies. I ended up watching The Wind that Shakes the Barley, which won the Palm D'or at this year's Cannes film festival, an award that I actually respect occasionally (except when the winner is Michael Moore). It was about the Irish war and starred Cillian Murphy. Brill! There's a particularly heartbreaking scene. One of the younger members of the IRA gives up the position of certain members because he's being threatened by the British government. Stuff happens, they get caught, they manage to escape, but 3 of them are executed and one of them gets his fingernails torn off with a pair of rusty pliers. Well, they find him, and he's their friend, but Damien (Cillian Murphy) is told to kill him. Damien asks him for his letters, which are letters to your loved ones that are passed on before you're executed, but the kid tells him that he can't read or write. Jesus, almost cried on the plane. And by almost, I mean I wasn't even close. Oh yeah, SPOILER ALERT!
Too many details! I also saw Block Party and 20 minutes of Thank You for Smoking. We landed. I bought a sandwich as shown here:

I knew I was in the UK because of this:

That's enough exposition for today. Now for some whining. I hate being labeled as quiet just because I don't start conversations. It really gets to me when everyone is talking to each other, but no one comes up to me and says a word! Why is it my obligation to introduce myself to others? Because it looks like I'm the sort of person who's completely without merit? I could be interesting! And be friendly! Why would you be a dick to someone you've just met? That's poor behavior!
It all starts with those people who can look beyond their initial impression of people and get to "know them". In my opinion, you should never be able to say about someone, "Yeah, he's a dick, but if you get to know him, he's a good guy". All it does is encourage people to continue being dicks. If they had no friends at all in the world, I'm sure they would make themselves become better people from fear of dying alone. So in conclusion, if you see any of your friends being assholes to people for no reason, call them out on it. Threaten them like a subtly abusive housewife would. "I will leave you!"
A couple months ago, I came up with, what I thought was, the most cruel and vicious of comebacks you could possibly say to someone. It goes:
I fucked your mom.
And then she died.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

This is a test of the AMERICAN broadcasting company.

Tomorrow I leave for London. If, for some reason, I die and this post somehow becomes an eerie preminition or voice-from-beyond-the-grave-type-thing, I want to be made into a message board/online legend. Here are some requests.

I have several recordings on my computer, filed under the artists "Minge Master", "Grape. Grape? Grape!", and "Darwinism". I would like these to be released immediately under their respective monikers. Maybe something like Capitol Records. Or Island Records, because I rather enjoy their rainbow palmtree logo.

Request number two: if people could say that I was sent into the future from 1876... Like, maybe a scientist at the World's Fair invented a time machine that displaced souls and that I'm actually Ulysses S. Grant, and they (FBI) brought me into a room and tested me and they found out that I was Ulysses S. Grant. Also, say I'm NOT a racist.

This is just a test.